Control Procedure
Control procedure
You present the supporting documents to the secretariat while at the same time the inspector receives the vehicle and starts the inspection process. You enjoy your drink while at the same time you can watch the whole process of checking your vehicle.


Passengers Car


Stages of Technical Passenger Control
Visual Inspections
They include all checks of a vehicle's mechanical systems
Administrative deficiencies (color, etc.)
Automatic KTEO control line
Vehicle emission control (exhaust gases)
Convergence Deviation (straight path of the vehicle)
Suspension system performance check (shock absorber)
Checking braking forces (brakes)
Control lights (aim, volume)

Stages of Technical Inspection of Bicycles
Visual Inspections
They include all checks of the mechanical systems of a two-wheeler
Automatic KTEO control line
Two-cycle emission control (exhaust gases)
Control of braking forces, control of variation of braking forces (brakes)
Control lights (aim, volume)
Stages of Technical Inspection of Trucks & Buses
Visual Inspections
They include all checks of a vehicle's mechanical systems
Administrative deficiencies (color, etc.)
Automatic KTEO control line
Vehicle emission control (exhaust gases)
Convergence Deviation (straight path of the vehicle)
Suspension system performance check (shock absorber)
Checking braking forces (brakes)
Control lights (aim, volume)

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1st cross Makrigianni Str. Evosmos Thessaloniki
Working hours
Monday - Friday : 8:00-18:00
Saturday: 08:00-16:00
Sunday: Closed