Exhaust Card
What is an Exhaust Card?
The institution of the "Emission Control Card" (ECC) was established by authorization of article 3 of Law 2052/92. It is part of the measures to deal with the cloud in large urban centers and is implemented by establishing a special control of exhaust gases for all categories of vehicles in circulation.
When do I get an Exhaust Card?
All vehicles are required to have an Emission Control Card from the first year of their circulation. The renewal of the Emission Card for passenger cars and light trucks with a gross weight of up to 3.5 tons is done annually, while for other vehicles (e.g. taxis) every 6 months.
Exhaust Card Price & Fine
Get your Emissions Card in time as not having an up-to-date card incurs fines. Schedule your appointment and find out the cost for the Emissions Card check.

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